Are you setting your day or is your day setting you?

YOU can control your environment! You get to set your day and decide how you will FEEL and what you will BE! It’s your life—you’re in control! Take control!
YOU can control your environment! You get to set your day and decide how you will FEEL and what you will BE! It’s your life—you’re in control! Take control!
Time management is sexy. A to-do list with a 12+ tasks per day is bad time management. Big picture focus is necessary to improve efficiency and productivity
The glorification of busyness I’m embarrassed to admit this, but it’s not uncommon for me to get to the end of a terribly busy day and feel like I’ve accomplished nothing of significance. What’s not embarrassing is telling anyone who asks how terribly busy I am. Busyness, in many respects, has become a form of …