New Year, New Theme

Many people make New Year’s resolutions. And most people will inevitably fail in their resolutions. This is why I am choosing a yearly theme.
Many people make New Year’s resolutions. And most people will inevitably fail in their resolutions. This is why I am choosing a yearly theme.
A couple of weeks ago, I was running an errand with Mom. We were a few minutes away from our house when I noticed a large, human-shaped bundle lying on the sidewalk. “Mom, stop! I think that’s a person!” I said. We pulled off and I jumped out of the car. There, on the sidewalk, …
It’s not uncommon to hear people identify themselves with political parties or specific ideologies. For example, phrases such as, “I’m a Republican,” or “I’m a feminist,” or “I’m a liberal,” seem to bombard Facebook “About Me” segments and everyday conversations. Chances are, you don’t care that your dermatologist’s neighbor’s cousin voted for Hillary because he’s …
Warning: philosophical ramblings below! Read at your own risk! For best results, brew a cup of tea, wrap up in a blanket, lay aside preconceived ideas, and proceed with an open mind. Enjoy. Love is selflessness, right? You can’t be a selfish person and thrive in a happy, long-term relationship. Love is about giving of …
I believe it behooves me to put friends and family at ease and clarify my motivation behind breaching the subject of love, marriage, and the prenuptial agreement. Fear not, I have no intentions of marrying anytime soon. However, my curiosity was recently piqued when I read an article published by the Huffington Post that argued …
Recently, I spent a day at the Delray Beach Courthouse in Southeast Florida. There’s something unique about the feeling of sitting in court—weighing the copious amounts of conflicting evidence, questioning the truthfulness of witnesses, and waiting with breathless anticipation for the verdict. As I sat in the courtroom I wondered if mercy played a role …
Finding Passion in Daily Life Greetings compatriots. So….this post is quite uncharacteristic of me. Rather than an intellectual discussion, philosophical rant, or chaotic conjectural analysis of a topic no one actually cares about, I’ve decided (through some rare lapse of judgement) to tell you a little bit about myself. I think writing is in my …
It’s that time of the year again! It’s the time to pull out dusty summer coolers, amass copious supplies of burgers, buns, and Bud Lights, stockpile fireworks you agreed to use for “agricultural purposes” (yeah, right), and drape porches and patios in that all American symbol of patriotism—the US flag. Ahhh yes. God bless America. …
A Note to Future Fathers Disclaimer: So… I actually don’t have any children at the moment, and to be honest, I don’t see any kiddos in my life in the near future (also, considering my gender, I’ll never actually be a dad). These facts would seem to disqualify me from writing such an article—but nope. …
What do the body positive and self-love movements mean? Recently I’ve noticed an increase in body positive and self-love publicity on the web. Whether YouTube videos, social media posts, or passionate articles, these feminist-headed movements have been getting a lot of attention lately. Interestingly enough, the body positive and self-love movements seems to be centered …