Hello world.
This is me.
Currently I have lived…
For 9785 days 2 hours 29 minutes 24 seconds
In 1998 (my birth year), the last Russian Czar was buried, President Bill Clinton admitted to an extramarital affair, and a U.S. spacecraft found water on the moon.
According to an online death clock (yes, I can be that morbid), my estimated time of death is Wednesday, July 14, 2077. I have no idea whether this estimation is accurate or not. But suppose I accepted my death year as 2077—will the world be any different than it was in 1998 because of me? I am determined that by the year 2077 or whenever my day of reckoning happens to be, I will have made my mark in the world in some way. I refuse to be a bystander in this magnificent game of life. I will make history—not because I’m exceptionally brilliant, beautiful, or better than anyone else, but simply because I believe every human is endowed with the responsibility to change the world.
So this is why, my dear compatriots, I have launched Today Will Be Amazing. I believe life is what you make it. Every day is both a gift and an opportunity. I accept the gift with every breath I take, and embrace the opportunity to make each day the most amazing day of my life and to change this planet one moment at a time.
So smile and remember today will be amazing.
A few more things about me:
(Not that you’d be interested, but…)
- Do you like to shop? Generally no. Too stressful (unless it’s in a bookstore)
- What do you do in your free time? Read, write, explore, run, watch Suits
- What is the last thing you ate? Arugula Salad and Mangoes
- What is your favorite ethnic food? Indian
- What do you admire most about people? Their ability to ask intelligent questions
- What is your greatest accomplishment? Surviving 18 years without getting arrested
- Favorite book? Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
- One item on your bucket list? Cow-tipping
- Stress reliever? Playing piano
- Secret guilty pleasure? Hahahaha, no.
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