New Year, New Theme

Many people make New Year’s resolutions. And most people will inevitably fail in their resolutions. This is why I am choosing a yearly theme.
Many people make New Year’s resolutions. And most people will inevitably fail in their resolutions. This is why I am choosing a yearly theme.
YOU can control your environment! You get to set your day and decide how you will FEEL and what you will BE! It’s your life—you’re in control! Take control!
Time management is sexy. A to-do list with a 12+ tasks per day is bad time management. Big picture focus is necessary to improve efficiency and productivity
The glorification of busyness I’m embarrassed to admit this, but it’s not uncommon for me to get to the end of a terribly busy day and feel like I’ve accomplished nothing of significance. What’s not embarrassing is telling anyone who asks how terribly busy I am. Busyness, in many respects, has become a form of …
Systems IRL In my last post, I talked about the value of creating systems over goals (check it out here). This post piggybacks off that idea and explains how setting systems over goals offered a paradigm shift in the way I view certain tasks. Particularly, non-monetary tasks. As a recent graduate working to start my …
Stop setting goals! For better results, start setting systems. Goals limit success and happiness, while systems create lasting results. Here’s why.
A couple of weeks ago, I was running an errand with Mom. We were a few minutes away from our house when I noticed a large, human-shaped bundle lying on the sidewalk. “Mom, stop! I think that’s a person!” I said. We pulled off and I jumped out of the car. There, on the sidewalk, …
Hello compatriots!!!! Okay, so I realize it’s been more than a MONTH since I last posted. Shame on me. I won’t give you a speech about how I’ve been too busy to write… Actually I will. Classes, homework, extra curricular activities, clubs, work, and the list goes on and on… I kinda feel like an adult! …
Finding Passion in Daily Life Greetings compatriots. So….this post is quite uncharacteristic of me. Rather than an intellectual discussion, philosophical rant, or chaotic conjectural analysis of a topic no one actually cares about, I’ve decided (through some rare lapse of judgement) to tell you a little bit about myself. I think writing is in my …
What do the body positive and self-love movements mean? Recently I’ve noticed an increase in body positive and self-love publicity on the web. Whether YouTube videos, social media posts, or passionate articles, these feminist-headed movements have been getting a lot of attention lately. Interestingly enough, the body positive and self-love movements seems to be centered …