Are you setting your day or is your day setting you?

YOU can control your environment! You get to set your day and decide how you will FEEL and what you will BE! It’s your life—you’re in control! Take control!
YOU can control your environment! You get to set your day and decide how you will FEEL and what you will BE! It’s your life—you’re in control! Take control!
Time management is sexy. A to-do list with a 12+ tasks per day is bad time management. Big picture focus is necessary to improve efficiency and productivity
The glorification of busyness I’m embarrassed to admit this, but it’s not uncommon for me to get to the end of a terribly busy day and feel like I’ve accomplished nothing of significance. What’s not embarrassing is telling anyone who asks how terribly busy I am. Busyness, in many respects, has become a form of …
Systems IRL In my last post, I talked about the value of creating systems over goals (check it out here). This post piggybacks off that idea and explains how setting systems over goals offered a paradigm shift in the way I view certain tasks. Particularly, non-monetary tasks. As a recent graduate working to start my …
Stop setting goals! For better results, start setting systems. Goals limit success and happiness, while systems create lasting results. Here’s why.
A couple of weeks ago I visited Auschwitz, one of the most iconic locations of mass murder in the world. Before my visit, I possessed a rudimentary understanding of the Holocaust like any student who paid a moderate amount of attention in history class. However, there is something about visualization that takes knowledge beyond the …
Life gets hectic sometimes. Today, much of my afternoon was devoted to my research paper on the Iranian-Saudi Arabian proxy war in Yemen. After a few hours of reading and writing, my brain decided to go on strike. I grabbed my journal and wallet and drove about 10 minutes to Mixed-Up Cup, a small frozen …
It’s not uncommon to hear people identify themselves with political parties or specific ideologies. For example, phrases such as, “I’m a Republican,” or “I’m a feminist,” or “I’m a liberal,” seem to bombard Facebook “About Me” segments and everyday conversations. Chances are, you don’t care that your dermatologist’s neighbor’s cousin voted for Hillary because he’s …
Warning: philosophical ramblings below! Read at your own risk! For best results, brew a cup of tea, wrap up in a blanket, lay aside preconceived ideas, and proceed with an open mind. Enjoy. Love is selflessness, right? You can’t be a selfish person and thrive in a happy, long-term relationship. Love is about giving of …
Hello compatriots!!!! Okay, so I realize it’s been more than a MONTH since I last posted. Shame on me. I won’t give you a speech about how I’ve been too busy to write… Actually I will. Classes, homework, extra curricular activities, clubs, work, and the list goes on and on… I kinda feel like an adult! …